Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

Hey Crossman,

Sorry to burst the bubble thing, Got hair there too!


Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

That's were the most friction occurs while wearing pants.

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

friction i guess... I'm sure there is some hair just not like the rest of the hair on your legs.

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

you seemed to be a little obsessed withhair growth...start taking your tablets again

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

It does grow there but gets worn away alot mostly due to friction from clothing.

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

Friction of the legs or pants rubbing.

My father wore polyester pants most of his life and had no hair diagonally across the back of his calves too (where the pants rubbed). Now he wears jeans most of the time and he has hair again. Strange but true.

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

Evolution. The monkeys that didn't have hair there obviously had better survival rates.....'cause they were faster....?...

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

It does! In some people, it does, in others it doesn't.

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

The same could be asked of the inside of a human arm.

No idea but it must be something to do with the fact that these parts do not require protection from the sun!!!!! Just a thought.

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

It's clothing friction mate, have you never noticed how guys have less hair on their legs around about the height of were your socks stop?

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

coz its wher your wrist rubs when your pulling your todge!!

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

some people have them there most men anyway x

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

It does, but because it's an area that gets rubbed often (walking etc..) the hair doesn't grow much before rubbing off!

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

Well i've just had a wee look and i've got hair there

Why does no hair grow on the human upper inside thigh?

i have a few stragglers.

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