Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

Human hair seems to continue to grow to unusual lengths. Why doesn't the hair of other primates grow like this.

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

Dog groomers would beg to differ.

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

caus we are ppl

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

Dogs get their hair-well their fur-cut. And they are mammels.

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

Listen, your question brought a smile to me! We actually do not have to have our hair cut, it will stop growing! We cut our hair for looks! Thank you so much!

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

Stuart is right.

Also, think sheep, llamas, etc. - all of whose hair we use for weaving.

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

I wish we didn't have to take our Pekingese dog to the groomer.

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

Some animals hair does grow like ours. DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! duh!!!

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

I think the hair wears off and stays at a certain length. Your leg hair only gets so long because your pants wear away at it.

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

Because we'll step on it if we don't.

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

Is your underarm hair still growing??? Is your arm hair still growing???? Is your leg hair still growing???? Mine isn't.

Dogs, sheep, horses (winter coat)...plenty of mammels.

But I DO understand your question, the hair on our heads. That's a great question....curious to see other people's answers!


Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

Because we have a more stable/developed emotional and mental system in our brains. We are the only mammals who really make desions for ourselves knowingly.

And also, this question is SPAM.

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

No, it doesn't continue to grow forever. If it did you'd have eyebrows down to your legs! Every hairsack has a certain lifespan. And why our hair grows to those exact lenghts, and the hair of primates doesn't...because we at one time decided to wear clothes and didn't need that much protection by hair anymore, except on the head, which we don't cover up that much..

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

Our hair is part of our defense system. People with anorexia have body hair that starts to grow in more densely, as the body is trying to keep warm. Also, hair is affected by hormones, which I'm sure differ in primates.

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

Because we humans are not primates. Humans grow hair long because we just do and only on the tops of our heads.

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

it's not that it grows to "usual lengths". it will continue to grow if we don't trim it. we trim it because we have this self image of ourselves and want to look "good". but actually in reality, when we're born, our bodies already have a set number of hair that will grow in our lifetime. think about it, when you're old, like very very OLD, hair doesn't grow so much anymore, in fact for most people, they experience baldness. so we're not the only mammals that hair has to be cut, we cut it on our own because we want to

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

I don't know why, but most people can grow hair to a certain length, which can be very long, but at some point it essentially stops and won't grow any longer, or at an imperceptible rate. There may be a few human oddities whose hair will grow to extraordinary lengths, but even so at some point I think it stops. Human hair doesn't have to be cut, that's just a matter of style.

Why are humans the only mammmals whose hair has to be cut?

erm........... youve ovbiously never come across a "horse"

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