Friday, April 20, 2012

What happens when you boil human hair?

(I know, crazy question.)

My sister has Murray's Beeswax in her hair, and she cannot get it out -- time is a factor, she has about two hours to get it out. She's showering right now to try to get it out using hot water, but it's just not hot enough.

What happens if she tries to boil her hair?

What happens when you boil human hair?

it would burn and and she would have extremely frizzy hair and its bad for you. DUH!!!

What happens when you boil human hair?

Not good.Use a clarifying shampoo.

What happens when you boil human hair?

not a good idea. Maybe some type of oil or something. Call a salon. they will most likely have an oil to remove wax, i know my hairdresser does. She sometimes gets it in her hair and removes it pretty good!

What happens when you boil human hair?

Murray's site suggests using dishwashing liquid and making sure to make lots of suds. Also you can melt it with a blow dryer and use a fine toothed comb to pull it out.

What happens when you boil human hair?

Eeeek! Don't you guys dare try that! Not only will she destroy her hair, but the risk of horrible burns is very very high! Just pick the wax out as best as you can. Also try holding ice against it for awhile before picking at it so that the wax will be harder and easier to remove. Other than that all you can do is wash and wash and wash and pick and pick and pick. If none of that works....grab the scissors. Never. Ever. Ever try boiling your hair.

What happens when you boil human hair?

If yuo boil hair, the human flesh left on the tip of the root will start to decompse into the 130 degreese celcious boiling point of the water. Then according to the rest of the hair, the hair will expand like a pasta noodle, then burn and change colour like mold does. Mold if you dont know/or understand is the chain reaction when food or a substance grow bacteria adn it takes over the food a good example is this is: stewie griffen he takes over the world., well he wants to. Stewie Griffen is from Family Guy on channel 45, or if you have sattelite it channel 554. Satellite is a a different different form of televistion. Television is also known as T.V. also known as television and so on. is shows gramatically coloured images on the screen creating a 2-D or 3

-D image which is pretty cool.

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