Friday, April 27, 2012

Can fleas lay eggs in human hair?

of course...but if you SEE may be lice.

If you're sure it's fleas..."sheep dip" is awesome...but it smells.

Dip your pets first before washing your hair with it.

Riddex works for lice...but however you caught the exactly the same place you'll get them again...

and if you keep getting them ... the only fool proof method is to shave your heads...

both of you.

I was a rodeo clown in the collegiate circuit in the 80s.

On a particular tour, we stayed in ranch hand quarters that was totally infested.

We sheep dipped...

we riddexed...

ultimately, the college made us shave our heads.

good luck - it's nasty to survive...but you will

Can fleas lay eggs in human hair?


Can fleas lay eggs in human hair?

yes-there is not that much difference between pet hair and human hair.

Can fleas lay eggs in human hair?

Well, fleas can't jump that high. But, they can sometimes reach your ankles. So you could have bite marks there.

Can fleas lay eggs in human hair?

fleas lay eggs anywhere anytime, getting rid of em is something else, give your hair a peroxicide shampo, that should help. and than flea bomb the place. good luck

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