Saturday, April 14, 2012

Is human hair extension good for your hair?

my friends said that human hair extensions are a bad for your hair is it ? or is horse hair better?

Is human hair extension good for your hair?

Yes a lot of hairdresser won't do them as they can make your hair fall out. They can be used short term for a special occasion but not for long term.....Victoria Beckham had hers taken out as they caused her hair for fall out.

Is human hair extension good for your hair?

lol it's just hair

Is human hair extension good for your hair?

Yeah, it's bad. i've seen many people getting them and after taking them out their hair's disgusting dry.

Is human hair extension good for your hair?

yeah, because they use this glue, and it sticks to your head, and it can mess up your hair, and reunion it. It's not a very good idea, I would say stick with the hair you have! Hope I helped!鈾モ櫏

Is human hair extension good for your hair?

Putting hair on hair, wont damage your hair. However the condition of it matters, i wouldn't advise horse hair. Extentions will ruin your hair. Jennifer Anniston told the public to NEVER get hair extentions as they completely ruin your hair. I have had the glue in ones and ended up with bald patches. They may sometimes look good, but ruining your true real beauty isnt worth it! if you want them, get clip-ins

Is human hair extension good for your hair?

Best Thing To Do Is Get Clip In Extensions Cos if You Dont Like Them You Can Take Them out And They Wont Harm Your Hair At All

Is human hair extension good for your hair?

Hair extensions are generally a bad idea as they strain your own hair, leaving it dry and weak when they are removed.

There is a 'net' technique I've seen: Extensions are sown on to a type of hair-net and then this is laid on your head and your own hair is pulled through the holes in the net. The net takes the weight of the extensions, not the roots of your own hair, and your own hair is free to 'breath', get conditioned etc.

If you really want the 'look' of extensions, then maybe you should research this - but it won't be cheap. And don't use horse hair - it's too coarse. If you're going to get these then it's worth the investment.

Is human hair extension good for your hair?

I've never heard of them doing any damage to anyone that I know.

Horse hair :o NO NO NO, far too coarse.

As for that person who said about Victoria Beckhams hair extensions- she actually got rid of them because they kept getting in the way and falling out during sex :o.

I think the best thing to do is let hair grow naturally. I think it's horrid to have someone else's hair in your head when you can just grow it, and have many hairstyles during the growing process.

Good luck, Princess Lola x

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