Saturday, April 14, 2012

Is human hair alive or dead?

had a discussion about cat fur balls, and my friend said that the fur in their stomach would be mostly protein like human hair?? we both wondered if he was talking rubbish, and then we also had a debate about whether hair is alive or not, i say tis dead.....

Is human hair alive or dead?

Protein is not classified as something that is alive, so it is dead.

Hair is protein, so hair is dead.

Is human hair alive or dead?


Is human hair alive or dead?

Agree, dead.

Is human hair alive or dead?

Tis dead.

Is human hair alive or dead?

You are right.

Is human hair alive or dead?

it grows from the follicle under the skin . once its above skin its dead .

Is human hair alive or dead?

Hair being "dead" is just a theory unprovable by science!

Medusa's hair is alive, therefore science is wrong!

Is human hair alive or dead?

Dead yeah absolutely

Is human hair alive or dead?

dead but it grows because your hair has vitamins in them

Is human hair alive or dead?

hair is made of dead cells

Is human hair alive or dead?

hair is DEFINITELY dead!!!

if it was alive you would feel a haircut, or it would automatically repair itself when it is dyed or damaged.

Is human hair alive or dead?

Ofcourse, hair are dead.

Ask your friend that if the hair are alive then why don`t you feel pain when you cut them?

Is human hair alive or dead?

Yes, hair is dead.

Is human hair alive or dead?

Your hair follicle is obviously alive, becuase your haiir grows, and renews its self. A bit like skin, Well your scalp is skin.But your actual hair is dead.

Is human hair alive or dead?

Hair is dead whether it is human's or of any other creature. This is the reason why one does not feel the pain when one gets hair cut. It feeds on the vitamins to grow. Similar is the case with nails. The nails growing out are dead but the part attached with the fingers are living. So they are partly dead and partly living.

Is human hair alive or dead?


Hair is a mixture of Keratin (protien), Vitamins and Pigments (which give hair colour) etc. Keratin is a protien so it isn't classified as dead as it is just a chemical. There are no nerves in the hair as it is above the follicile so you wont feel a haircut. But if someone pulls your hair it would hurt as there are nerve receptors in the skin under each thread of hair.

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