Saturday, April 14, 2012

Where i can get 100% HUMAN HAIR LOCK EXTENSIONS FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS-to start off my locking proces

I'm an African American with course hair that would love to start my locking process. BUTT!!! i just don't wont to go through the nasty first stage of the locking process, So i called around and found a woman that can do lock extensions in my hair for 325.00$$, which i don't mind, -----------the problem is that I have to find the hair because she doesn't know where to get it, and I can't find 100% human hair already locked up!!!!AND ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! every time i pull up lock extensions it always the crazy looking, different colored mangled up hair for people with straight hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is this soooooo difficult for African Americans!!!!! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME FIND A SITE, OR SOME ADVICE THAT COULD REALLY HELP ME??? IM SOOOO GOOOING CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where i can get 100% HUMAN HAIR LOCK EXTENSIONS FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS-to start off my locking process faster?

Appreciating the journey it took to cultivate your locks is part to the beauty of it. I think you are cheating yourself out of part of that experience by looking for a short-cut. I've been locked for 14 months and I've been through some not-so-pretty stages but it's all been worth it.

Anyway, here's what you're looking for I guess.

Where i can get 100% HUMAN HAIR LOCK EXTENSIONS FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS-to start off my locking process faster?

well you can go to Q and Q if you have on in your citi and u can search the phone book for beauty and wig stores..more likly to try wig stores..also u can google locations in your home town of different stores in your location and if they are in a location you never heard of been to then you can search the direction on google as well..and google dont help try yahoo or msn..but im pretty sure that google will work the best for that problem..


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