Monday, April 23, 2012

What good protein in a raw egg helps our human hair?

like vitamin A but i need more information about whats in it or what it helps with hair.

What good protein in a raw egg helps our human hair?

Good general nutrition will help hair growth and strength. Nothing will help with regrowth after baldness, if that is where you are headed. Eggs are predominantly proteins, with other nutrient trace elements, cholesterol, vitamins etc. As part of a balanced diet, they are useful. But it is the balanced diet which helps, not just the eggs.

What good protein in a raw egg helps our human hair?

To begin with, vitamin A (or any vitamin for that matter) is not a protein. I have heard of the belief that rubbing raw egg whites and yolks in hair and then showering will increase hair growth and health. I am not sure if this is what you mean in your question. as far as I have seen, this is just a belief and the people who have done this sort of thing seem to have no better hair than others.

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