Monday, April 23, 2012

What do fleas in human hair look like?

-My son has black"dots" in his hair that come off when scratched, but keep coming back. I have looked up lice and does not look like them. It does not itch.Could this be flea "poo" like you see on a cat or dog? I see no bugs of any kind around it. Any ideas?

What do fleas in human hair look like?

You mean head lice? Yes, small black dots are very likely lice feces.

The nits are tiny oval-shaped eggs, usually stuck to the hair near the scalp. All the books say they are white but they can look darker in different lighting.

Head lice in humans are different a different species from the fleas that infect cats and dogs.

Animal fleas can cause problem for humans too, but they usually don't live in the hair. They tend to stay in your bed (lovely, isn't it), so the tell-tale sign of that is waking up in the morning with tiny bumps that really itch.

The frustrating thing about animal fleas in humans is that they have definite preferences for a human over another, so it is common that of two people who live in the same house, or even share a bed, only one will have symptoms.

What do fleas in human hair look like?

looks like regular fleas.Might be.

What do fleas in human hair look like?

This could be flea dirt caused by fleas.Fleas in humane hair looks just like they do in a dogs coat.Shampoo your child's hair with the "DAWN" dish washing liquid a few times,this should remove any fleas and flea dirt.

What do fleas in human hair look like?

Fleas in the human hair would itch and there would be blood but you'd also see the fleas inthe hair could he have gotten into some dirt ? If not sure shampoo his hair if there is fleas in his hair you'll see them in the water . Get a dog flea comb and comb his hair really good and look in the comb to see if you see fleas.

What do fleas in human hair look like?

It really sounds like lice to me especially if it comes back. Use some Avon Skin so soft oil on his head. spray his bed the floor your furniture the car and pillow with Siphotrol Plus it takes care of fleas and lice.

What do fleas in human hair look like?

Take your son to the doctor. They would be able to tell you whats going on. If you have fleas in your house then take your animals to the vet and get them treated bc if an animal eats a flea then they could end up with paracites. Also remember to shampoo the carpets under the furniture bc the flea eggs will live there long after you have treated your pets.

What do fleas in human hair look like?

Fleas prefer NOT to live on people, they are more likely to live on pets, in carpet, or pretty much anywhere. They will bite humans as a food source, but the chances of them living on humans are very small. Unless you have animals in the house that are completely flea infested or your carpet is full of them I would say it's probably lice, especially if you haven't noticed any flea bites on your ankles or his.

What do fleas in human hair look like?

Get the black do wet (on a white paper towel or piece of paper). If it turns red, it is flea poo.

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