Friday, March 30, 2012

Dying a black human hair wig brown.?

I bought a wig recently and the colour is too dark (black 1b), I really love the style and it cost quite a lot of money. But I would prefer a lighter colour, ideally a medium brown. Would I completely destroy the wig by trying to lighten the colour?

The wig is made from human hair.

Dying a black human hair wig brown.?

Yes, Human hair can be dyed, but it is advisable to test a small piece of it prior to dying all of it. Also please remember that the hair has already been processed, so if dying the hair try to choose a hair colour which is already a near match to desired colour.

Dying a black human hair wig brown.?

Thats discusting!!! Eughhh who would want to wear someone elses old hair?! PUKE!

Dying a black human hair wig brown.?

yh - it dries out and goes frizzy

Dying a black human hair wig brown.?

next time scalp the person with the hair colour you want, it saves all this messing about with dyes

Dying a black human hair wig brown.?

ignore Whitney, anyways I think you should go to a place where you bought the wig and ask if dying it will ruin the hair or go to a salon and ask a professional :)

if the proffesional says that dying it is fine then I suggest you let a hair stylist do it rather than risk messing it up at home.

Dying a black human hair wig brown.?

I agree, you will wreck the wig if you dye it.

Either buy another wig, or leave it alone ;o)

Maybe you can get a spray tan so the wig does not look so dark???

Dark hair is nice anyway!!!

Dying a black human hair wig brown.?

yes it should be ok, could you not get a professional to do it?

Dying a black human hair wig brown.?

take it to a salon if it can be done they should do it for you....

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